Chasing the cube...just give him an ice cube. He will try to eat it, but he hasn't learned how to keep it in his mouth so it slips out. He tries to pounce on it to regain control and it slides away. He pounces again...same result. This goes on until either the ice melts (which leaves him wondering where it went) or he manages to pin it with both paws and get it back into his mouth. Then it slips out again and it all starts over again.
There is no joy like a puppy expresses when its feeding time. And he is talented. He can eat laying down, sitting, or standing.
We have a rooster for a neighbor. Yes we live in town, but it's Alamo. I take Samson out in the morning to, well you know, and the rooster crows. He runs to the door and looks at me like I must be mad. Do I not know that the killer creature making that noise is probably going to eat us both if we don't return to the safety of our den immediately?
Samson will do anything for cat food. We buy expensive all-natural allergy formula food because our other dog Griz has allergy issues. In the dog food world, we are feeding our dogs prime rib. Lacie the cat eats cheap stuff because she is low-maintenance. Samson loves her cheap Meow Mix much better than his fancy shmancy dog food. It has been instrumental in getting him to sit, stay, and voluntarily go into his crate.
Samson will do anything for cat food. We buy expensive all-natural allergy formula food because our other dog Griz has allergy issues. In the dog food world, we are feeding our dogs prime rib. Lacie the cat eats cheap stuff because she is low-maintenance. Samson loves her cheap Meow Mix much better than his fancy shmancy dog food. It has been instrumental in getting him to sit, stay, and voluntarily go into his crate.
I guess, despite constantly having to be armed with Resolve Carpet Cleaner and Odorban, Samson is worth the investment. Oh, and I can just throw away the alarm clock because at 5:45 sharp each morning (Samson is not a respector of Saturday mornings) he is throwing a barking fit to be released from his room. He has done all the damage he can possibly do to his room...he needs another challenge.